Kids Class Subscription

$15.00 on the 1st of each month

First payment: March 1, 2025


Looking for an easy way to offer kid’s classes in your studio? Let’s face it, coming up with the designs and steps every.. single.. month.. is hard to keep on top of! You’re a busy studio owner, you don’t have time for all that!

Well what if we told you that we’ve done all that hard work for you and created a subscription service that will deliver TWO creative and fun kids projects directly to your inbox on the first of every month?! *this is where your jaw drops and you shout “TELL ME MORE!”*

We WILL tell you more. So here’s how it works; on the first of every month, you’ll receive an email with all the info for TWO adorable projects! This includes: a photo of the adorable projects, step-by-step instructions (including a supply and color list), and a social media square to help you promote your event!

You may be thinking, “This is going to cost a small fortune, isn’t it?”…to that we say “No way, Phoebe Buffet!” All that can be yours for the low low price of $15 per month!! That’s the same price as a Venti Caramel Frappucino with extra whip and 2.5 cake pops (don’t ask me how I know).

Why wait? Sign up today and all that creative goodness will start coming your way!